Vigilante IPA Brewed on 2/19/2011
Brewed with left over light malts with lots of hops to make an IPA. Hoping that it will have a light yellow/green color with a mix of hoppy/bitter flavor to counter act the medium sweetness that it will have. The Starting Gravity came it at 1.061 which should yield a high ABV of at least 5.5% to 6.0%
29lbs Pale (Cambrinus)
3lbs Munich
4 oz Somcoe 12.2AA @ 60min
2 oz Willamette 4.2AA @ 30min
2 oz Nugget 13AA @ 30min
2 oz German Perle 8.1AA @30min
2 oz Willamette 4.2AA @ 0min
2 oz Nugget 13AA @ 0min
2 oz German Perle 8.1AA @0min
3Tbs Irish Moss
Ale Yeast
This beer has been fermenting for about a week and a half at 68 degrees F. It should be done in a week or so.